Barone & Eisner, What is and what is not Arts-based research
Boyd Re visualizing women who use drugs
Cole, Teju What Does It Mean to Look at This? – The New York Times
Gordon Matta-Clark_2017 Anarchitect
Goodfellow-Looking through LD lens Boyd Re visualizing women who use drugs
How Gordon Matta-Clark Turned the Ruins of 1970s New York into Art
hooks -Black Looks Race and Representation,
Luttrell – A camera is a big responsibility
Luttrell – Pregnant Bodies Fertile Minds.compressed
Luttrell – Children Framing Childhoods LookingBack
Pink, Multimodality…and the phenom. of perception
Rose – Towards a critical visual methodology
Trowbridge – DrawingAttentionChapter
Wang et al., Arts-based methods in socially engaged research practice