Lamar. Ok Post for 04.15.19

My partner and I have been super busy this week preparing for our grandchild (yes, grandchild- no typo) that is entering the world by April 18th and preparing for Canada, so here is my low quality post, sorry!

On Friday, my 30  third grade students split into groups of 3 and made a collage of Hope collectively using 90 different hope drawings and writings from third graders at my school.  My co-teacher recorded some of the process in the classroom while I was in the hallway interviewing  and recording students one at a time  (30 sec or less) share their hopes and drawings.  This was strictly voluntarily for the students BUT then I realized that none of my Black boys did NOT want to share their hopes and drawings, so I spoke to them off camera and asked what was up. They said they thought their drawings wasn’t great and elaborate like the others and that they didn’t think what they wrote was important to show to whoever is going to watch the interviews. I hugged them, thanked them for their honesty and vulnerability then affirmed and assured them that what they have to say and what they drew is beautiful, worthy and necessary for the world to hear and know!

Not sure how to exactly  present the collages and videos to our class. But I will present them whenever the syllabus says to present them.

Thanks for reading and listening!

Here is a sneak peek of one of the interviews:

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