
Hi all:

It was terrific to meet you and break bread with you yesterday. Because the subject of collage came up a number of times, I wanted to suggest two articles on the suggested reading list: Garoian- Art Education in the silent gaps and White, Garoian & Gerber Speaking in tongues. 

I’ve also included a link to an article about the paint Charles White and his work which was intended to rewrite and correct the official American History story.  I thought it especially relevant in light of the interests of Luis and Aderinsola. The link is and I have also included the article in the suggested reading page and called it Robertson: Pan-Americanism, Patriotism, and Race Pride in Charles White’s Hampton Mural. Thinking about the categories of arts-based research articulated by Wang et al., do you think White is engaged in Research about art, art as research, or art in research? Do you think he is involved in arts-based research (ABR) practices at all? Does he satisfy the ABR qualities that Eisner and Barone attach to arts-based research? You don’t have to read the article by Robertson to answer consider these questions, you could only look at the art. Of course reading the article could add to the discussion.

I look forward to reading your thoughts about the assigned articles and about your own projects.



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